In the previous chapter, you learned what is word structure and some common roots. Here, you are going to learn some common Suffixes.

  • The suffix is always at the end of a medical word.
  • The suffix is the first word part to look at when you try to understand a medical word.



Term Example with Term Meaning



Cephalgia – headache, otalgia - earache



Adipocyte – Fat cell



Gastrodynia – stomach pain, mastodynia – breast pain


Surgical removal

Hysterectomy – surgical removal of uterus

Mastectomy – Surgical removal of breast or part of the breast



Hematemesis – vomiting blood

emetic – an agent such as a drug that causes vomiting.


Producing or generating something

Iatrogenic – Adverse side effects from treatment by physicians



Diagnosis – determining what disease or condition is present through a study of the signs and symptoms, and laboratory, x-ray, and other diagnostic procedures.



Angiogram - Record (image) of a blood vessel is produced using x-rays and contrast medium.

Mammogram – record (image) of the breast is produced using x-rays.



Myelogram – Record (image) of the spinal cord, Venogram – Record (image) of a vein is produced using x-ray and contrast medium.


Instrument to record

Cardiograph – instrument used to record heart’s activity.

Electrocardiogram – instrument used to record the electrical activity of the heart.


Process of recording

Cardiography – process of recording the heart’s activity.

Computed tomography (CT) – an x-ray beam rotates around the patient taking multiple images of an organ at different depths. The information is the computer analyzed and converted to a picture of the body part.

In Brief,

- gram = Record

-graph = instrument used to record.

-graphy = process of recording.



Enteritis – inflammation of the small intestine.

Stomatitis – inflammation of the mouth.



Cardiology – study of heart, dermatology – study of skin.


Specialist in the study of the disease and treatment

Gynecologist – specialist in the study of the diseases and treatment of female disorder.

Ophthalmologist - specialist in the study of the diseases and treatment of eye disorder.



Adenomalacia – abnormal softening of a gland.

Osteomalacia – softening of bone.

- megaly


Visceromegaly – enlarged internal organs



Adenocarcinoma – cancer of glandular tissue.

Osteoma – Tumor of bone.

Hematoma – mass or collection of blood outside a blood vessel; a bruise.



Nephrosis – abnormal condition of the kidney



Nephropathy – disease of the kidney

neuropathy – disease of nerve.


Fear of

Acrophobia – hear of heights

- plasty

Surgical reconstruction

Rhinoplasty – Surgical reconstruction of the nose, nose job.

Arthroplasty – surgical reconstruction of a joint



Nephroptosis – drooping kidney


Spitting up

Hemoptysis – spitting up of blood

-rrhage, -rrhagia

Rupture, to break

Hemorrhage – Bursting forth of blood, bleeding.

Gastrorrhagia – bleeding from the stomach.



Colporrhaphy – suturing the wall of the vagina.



Otorrhea – discharge from the ear.



Splenorrhexis – ruptured spleen.

In Brief,

-rrhage = burst forth

-rrhaphy = suture

-rrhea = flow, discharge

-rrhexis = ruptured



Arteriosclerosis – hardening of the arteries


Instrument used to view inside a body cavity or organ

Arthroscope – instrument used to view the inside of a joint cavity

Gastroscope – instrument used to view the inside of the stomach.


Process of viewing inside body cavity or organ

Endoscopy - Process of viewing inside of a body cavity or organ using an endoscope.

In Brief,

-scope = Instrument used to view inside a body cavity or organ.

-scopy = process of viewing inside a body cavity or organ.


Sudden muscular spasm

Laryngospasm – sudden muscular spasm of the larynx


Maintenance of a constant level, preventing increase or multiplication

Hemostasis – stopping of bleeding.

Homeostasis – balanced yet varied state



Arteriostenosis – narrowing of an artery


Surgical creation of new opening

Colostomy - Surgical creation of new opening in the colon.

Tracheostomy - Surgical creation of new opening into the trachea.


To cut

Tenotomy – to cut the tendon; incision of the tendon.

Tracheotomy – to cut the trachea.

In Brief,

- stomy = surgical creation of a new opening

-tomy = to cut

incision = to cut into

excision = to cut out


Growth, nourishment

Atrophy – wasting away of the muscle.

Hypertrophy – excessive growth or enlargement of an organ or part.

Other Suffixes used as Adjectives.

-ac, -ou, -ic, -al, -ary, -ar, -eal

Pertaining to

Cardiac – pertaining to the heart.

Chondral – pertaining to cartilage.

Cutaneous – pertaining to skin.

Gastric – pertaining to stomach

idiopathic – pertaining to unknown cause of disease.

Mammary – pertaining to breast.

Muscular – pertaining to muscle.

Natal – pertaining to birth.

Pharyngeal – pertaining to pharynx.

Septic – perceived to infection.

Venous – pertaining to vein.

Note: Although there are some exceptions, the suffixes meaning “pertaining to” are not interchangeable with a given root. For example, you can say muscular, but not musculal, or musculous. You can say cardiac but not cardious or cardiary.