AAA - Abdominal aortic aneurysm

ACS - Acute coronary syndrome

A&O - Alert & Oriented

A&Ox3 - Alert & Oriented to person, place, and time

Abd - Abdominal

ABG - Arterial blood gas

Abx - Antibiotics

Afib - Atrial fibrillation

AICD - Automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator

AKA- Above-knee amputation

AMS - Altered mental status

AT /NC - Atraumatic / Normocephalic

BAHA - Bone anchored hearing aid

BBB - Bundle branch block

BOD - Twice a day

BIPAP - bilevel positive airway pressure 

BKA - Below knee amputaion

BM - Bowel movement or bone marrow

BOM - Bilateral otitis media

BP - Blood pressure

BPH - Benign prostatic hypertrophy 

BS - Bowel sounds or Breath sounds

CA - Cancer

CABG - Coronary artery bypass graft

CAD - Coronary artery disease

CBC - Complete blood count

CC -Chief complaint

CF - Cystic fibrosis 

CHF - Congestive heart failure

CKD - Chronic kidney disease

CN - Cranial nerves 

CNS - Central nervous system

C/O -complaint of

COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

CP - Chest pain or Cerebral palsy 

CPAP - Continuous positive airway pressure

CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CT - Computed tomography

CTAB - Clear to auscultation bilaterally

CT A/P - Computed tomography abdomen and pelvis

CVA - Cerebrovascular accident or Costovertebral angle 

CVAT - Costovertebral angle tenderness

CXR - Chest X-ray

DC- Discharge or Discontinue

DJD - Degenerative joint disease

DKA - Diabetic ketoacidosis

DM - Diabetes mellitus

DNR - Do not resuscitate 

DOA - Dead on arrival

DOE - Dyspnea on exertion *

DP pulse - Dorsalis pedis pulse

DTR - Deep tendon reflex

DVT - Deep vein thrombosis

Dx - Diagnosis

ECG- Electrocardiogram

EF - Ejection Fraction *

EGD - Esophagogastroduodenoscopy

ENT - Ear, nose, and throat

EOMI - Extraocular movements intact

ERCP - Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography

ESRD - End-stage Renal Disease

ETT - Endotracheal tube

ETOH - Alcohol

FHx - Family history

FSBS - Finger stick blood sugar

GC - Gonorrhea 

GERD - Gastroesophageal reflux

GFR - Glomerular filtration rate 

GI - Gastrointestinal

GSW - Gunshot wound

GU - Genitourinary

H&H - Hemoglobin and Hematocrit

HA - Headache

HCT - Hematocrit

HEENT - Head, eyes, ears, nose, throat

HIPAA - Health insurance portability and accountability act

Hgb - Hemoglobin

HLD - Hyperlipidemia

HPI - History of present illness

HTN - Hypertension

Hx- History

I&D - Incision and Drainage

ID - Infectious disease

IM - intramuscular

IV - Intravenous

IVC - Inferior vena cava

JVD - Jugular vein distention

LAD - Left axis deviation

LAE - Left atrial enlargement

LASIK - Laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis

LBBB - Left bundle branch block

LLQ - Left lower quadrant

LLL - left lower lobe

LMP - Last menstrual period

LOC - Loss of consciousness

LP - Lumbar puncture

LUL - Left upper lobe

LUQ - Left upper quadrant

MOI - mechanism of injury

MI - Myocardial infarction

MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging

MRCP - Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography

MS - Multiple sclerosis

MVA/MVC - Motor vehicle accident / Motor vehicle collision

NC - Nasal cannula

NG - Nasogastric

NKDA - No known drug allergies

N1 - normal

NM - Nuclear medicine

NPO - Nothing by mouth

NSAID - Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

NSR - Normal sinus rhythm

NSTEMI - Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (elevated troponin)

NTG - Nitroglycerin

N/V/D - Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea

O2 - Oxygen

OB/GYN - Obstetrics/ gynecology

OD - Overdose

OE - Otitis externa

OM - Otitis media

PCI - percutaneous coronary intervention

PCP - Primary care provider

PE - Pulmonary embolism

PERRL - Pupils equal, round, reactive to light

PFT - Pulmonary Function Test

PHI - Protected Health information

PICC - Peripherally inserted central catheter

PMHx - Past medical history

PNA - Pneumonia

PND - Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

PO - by mouth ( NPO - NOthing by mouth)

PR - Per rectum

PRN - as needed

PT - Physical Therapy

PT / INR - Prothrombin time/ International Normalized ratio

PTT - Partial Thromboplastin Time

PT pulse - Posterior tibial pulse

PTX - Pneumothorax

PUD - Peptic ulcer disease

PVC - Premature ventricular contraction

PVD - Peripheral vascular disease 

QID - Four times daily

RBBB - Right bundle branch block

RBC - Red blood cell

RLQ - Right lower quadrant

R/o - Rule out

ROM - Range of motion

ROS - Review of systems

RRR - Regular, rate, and rhythm

RUQ - Right upper quadrant

Rx- Prescription

SAH - Subarachnoid hemorrhage *

SBO - Small bowel obstruction

SDH - Subdural hematoma *

s/p - Status post

STEMI - ST-elevation myocardial infarction(acute MI)

SVT - Supraventricular tachycardia

Sx- Symptoms

Sz - Seizure

TB - Tuberculosis

TIA - transient ischemic attack 

TID - Three times a day

UA- Urine analysis

UC - Urine culture

URI - Upper respiratory infection

US - Ultrasound

UTD- Up to date

UTI - Urinary tract infection

VATS - Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery

WBC - White blood cell

y/o - Years old 

YTD- Year to date 

Detailed Medical Abbreviations here